Our Vision

We are a community of everyday people who are committed to expanding God’s family together because of Jesus for generations to come.

As a church in Vancouver, Washington we desire to work for the good of all who live, work, and play in this great city. We can't, we won't, and we don't want to do this alone.

We want to do this with you. No matter where you've been or what you've done, we want you to know that you haven't been forgotten by God. In fact, your story matters!

Our Values

Give Over Get
Looking to make a difference in the lives of others and our community through generous living rather than always wanting to receive more.
Progress Over Perfection
We become more like Jesus through a lifelong process rather than an overnight occurrence.
Send Over Stay
Embodying Jesus by joining God’s work in Vancouver, the west, and the world through mobilizing and releasing disciples.
Spirit Over Self
We put God’s purposes and priorities ahead of our own as we daily depend on Him while we live, work, and play.
Story Over Sin
Cultivating lasting relationships that discover how Jesus shapes our identity, our past, and our future rather than being defined by others or ourselves.

Our Story

Generations Church began with the call of Kyle & Ruth Davies to church planting in 2015. At that time they weren’t sure where in the country God was leading them. Uprooting their life and ministry, they went on a journey of exploration that led them to the Pacific Northwest at the invitation of George Johnson and the CEA. Ruth remembers that first plane ride to the Portland Airport, saying, “It feels as if we are going to meet family.

After living in Vancouver for a time, Kyle and Ruth began inviting families and friends to join the journey of starting a new church. Psalm 22 was a formative Scripture that led to the naming of the church. The initial scope and shape of Generations Church began to form in January 2019.

Together this initial group of people agreed to embody a common vision—being a community of people who engaged others with the news that God had not forgotten them. Starting from scratch the church began to gain momentum by adding value to the community through events, social engagement, and express their everyday faith in Jesus. In October 2019, we began weekly Sunday Gatherings at the Salmon Creek American Legion. After a year and a half as a mobile church, God blessed Generations with a 24/7 Ministry Center in Salmon Creek. The dream of the Ministry Center is to provide a space for the community to gather, host event, network and work for the good of the larger community.

Today, as a church we have a driving conviction to display that God’s family is full of everyday people because of Jesus. We dream about future generations knowing Jesus and experiencing a positive impact that transcends multiple generations.

We hope to learn where God's story, our story, and your story intersect.

Meet The Team

Kyle Davies

Lead Pastor & Planter

Fred Dorado

Ministry Teams Coach

Charles Patton

Worship Minister

Richard Brumley

Community Life Minister