Identity In Christ

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Who Are You?

One of the key tasks in our followership of Jesus is (re)discovering our identity. Knowing who you are and who God made you to be is formative for every person. God has made us a new person in Christ, so we are. Our identity is no longer based on “hoop-jumping” or “box-checking” or who others say we are, what our past says we are, or even what our future might hold. Identity flows from whose we are breathing life into our lives through our union with Christ.

Training Your Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit

Remember Who You Are

So many followers of Jesus spend years, and waste copious amounts of energy, living into a parody of their real, true self.

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"In Christ, I Am..."

The Bible says those who are in Christ are a new creation. Followers of Jesus, we have been given a new identity.

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The Enneagram is a theory of personality that’s been used as a tool for spiritual formation for over a thousand years.

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Myers - Briggs

Everybody has unique skills, talents, loves, ways of thinking, and ways of being that are part of God’s design.

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Recommended Resources

*While we may not agree with everything in every book we recommend, we think they are helpful resources to better understand Scripture and learn to follow Jesus in every area of life.

The Gospel Primer by Caesar Kalinoski

The Gospel Primer is about learning how the gospel of Jesus Christ transforms your identity and reshapes the very rhythms of your life. It is about becoming so familiar with the power and purpose of the gospel that it flows out of your life and words in normal, yet extraordinary ways. When the gospel increasingly transforms our life, perspectives and priorities, we become good news to everyone. We becoming a living proclamation and display of the God we love and his kingdom.

Identity by Sonlife Ministries

A theologian named A.W. Tozer once stated that, ” What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” In this statement, Tozer is saying that your theology affects everything about you. If affects your actions and your relationships and especially your goals in life. Everyone’s a theologian because theology is simply the study of God. This means that everyone, whether devout Catholic or firm atheist, has thoughts and beliefs about the world and the existence or nonexistence of a higher power. Studying theology (who God is) will help us understand who and whose we are.

Identity Theft

Who does the Bible tell us we are in Christ? From the wisdom and perspective of insightful authors including Jen Wilkin, Hannah Anderson, and Jen Pollock Michel, Identity Theft seeks to answer this question by exposing our false notions of identity, understanding the biblical truth of our identity in Christ, and reflecting on what it looks like to live in our new (and true) identity. In 10 chapters it covers everything from our identity as children of God to citizens of heaven. At the end of each chapter, study questions can facilitate group discussion as you consider this glorious truth with your friends.